Thursday, April 16, 2009

Market by way of Atlanta

It's time for the countdown to begin. I have less than 3 weeks before I leave for market. I'm way behind, okay I'm past WAY behind. I've got a lot of ground to cover in the next week. Designs and ideas are in my head but not actually started. I've got a good idea of the amount of each item I'm carrying, but haven't ordered most of it yet. Am I stressing you out? Yeah, me too. :)

This will be my third trip to AmericasMart as a vendor. I've been a few times as a buyer, but just started last year doing the vendor thing. If you aren't familiar with market, it is a mega huge wholesale market. It is spread out over three multi-storied buildings. The area that houses the show I attend (immediate delivery show) is on the bottom floor of the 3rd building. Basically, it is rows and rows of vendors that allow you to purchase items one at a time with no ordering required. The items are available at the show (hence immediate in the show title). This means that I must carry mass quantities of my items with me. I'm talking hundreds of each thing.

This is a picture of the inside of building three. The white lines going across are actual balconies on each floor. Over on the right side you can see two glass elevators just to give you an idea of the size of this place. It's huge!

Here is a sample of some of the things I'll be carrying this time.

Monogrammed key chains.
Monogrammed tumblers.

Monogrammed Bow buttons and ponytail holders.
I've got my work cut out for me! I'll keep you posted.

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