Friday, March 20, 2009

Let the good times roll...

In case I haven't mentioned it, this week was Sanderson's spring break. Yes, I know, it was far too early. Our annual tradition for spring break, dating back to his K-4 year (he's now in 2nd grade), has been to visit Chuck E. Cheese's. This is a day that is entirely based around this chaotic place with no end in sight. We arrive before lunch and stay until we can't take it anymore. This year was no exception.

I got smart and visited their website before our visit. I joined their e-mail list and receive a couple of great coupons for our big day. We ate pizza, drank lots of Sprite, and gamed all day with our 140 tokens. Yes, I said 140 tokens. I am very happy to say that this was accomplished with a mere $32.00! Not too bad for a family of 4. When I said great coupons, I meant awesomely, amazing coupons.

I was quite amazed that our two crazed children tired of this chaos in a mere 2.5 hours. They were actually ready to go before the tokens ran out. We were forced to just put them into those ticket-spitting games. No method, just insert token, hit button, tickets come out. Maybe one this time or 50 the next. Who cares? We just needed to use up those tokens!

Then it was off to the ticket eater (counter). We actually had 525 tickets! A new record! The trip to the ticket store took forever and we ended up with pirate hooks, lizards, puzzles, bookmarks, and I could go on and on. The perfect end to a perfect day!

I think the best part was the surprise guest. Daddy took off early and spent the afternoon with us. It wouldn't have been the same without him. :)

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